
Q1: 什麼是Cornerstone HOME 四圍充月費計劃?

Cornerstone HOME 四圍充月費計劃是Cornerstone HOME 為33個領展停車場的電動車用家度身訂造的充月費計劃,用戶尊享以優惠月費享有每月300度充電額,於領展期下的指定Cornerstone GO充電熱點使用。

Q2: 我可以參加Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃?

Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃適用於所有可以停泊在領展停車場內的電動車 (快速充電暫時只支援CCS2制式),如有興趣或其他查詢,請聯絡銷售顧問: WhatsApp +852 6150 9118。

Q3: 除基本月費之外,我需要繳交任何附加費?

Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃以一年為合約期,月費以信用卡或銀行轉帳月繳方式收取。無須安裝費或服務費。唯需預繳1個月之月費。使用充電服務所產生的費用如停車場收費等則屬用戶自付。

Q4: 如果我當月有充電額餘額未用,餘額可以延續到下個月使用?

Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃內之可用電量只能當月結算,即月費計劃的結算期最後一日23:59時結束,不能轉至下一個結算月份。

Q5: 我已經用完當月月費包含的充電額,需要繼續充電,怎麼辦?

當閣下已全數使用當月之充電額後,Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃的增值收費為港幣$25 (10度) 充電額;故建議閣下如有需要可在HOME 版面額外加購電量,或直接使用Cornerstone GO的收費充電站進行充電。

Q6: 我已到達Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃適用的充電點,但沒有可用充電位所以離開,停車場費用可賠償?

Cornerstone HOME四圍充用戶可先於Cornerstone EV手機應用程查閱充電位的實時使用情況,本公司概不負責並不設退回有關停車場之費用。

Q7: 使用Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費 3個月後,我要搬去另一區,我可以中止合約嗎?

Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃合約期為12個月,所有未完成的合約月份,用戶亦需支付餘下所有費用。

Q8: 如何查閱Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃適用的充電點,如何確保充電站支援我的電動車?

Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃只適用領展旗下的指定Cornerstone GO充電熱點使用。
包括中速充電和快速充電服務 - 只限於CCS2規格。充電點將持續更新或更改而不作另行通知,用戶可於Cornerstone EV手機應用程式或網頁上查詢有關地點詳情及充電模式。

Q9: 如我想登記Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃,需時多久及提交什麼證明文件?

登記Cornerstone HOME四圍充月費計劃手續最快三個工作天內完成。用戶需繳交以下有效證明文件及手續,如: 提交身份證明文件如駕駛執照和牌簿,簽妥合約及以信用卡預繳1個月之月費。提交之個人資料將保密處理。

Q:10 為什麼只有一個充電用量的計劃可以選擇? 沒有高用量的計劃嗎?

Cornerstone HOME致力為電動車用家提供貼心而完善的充電體驗,為顧及大部份用家的使用需求,暫時只提供一個額度的充電用量計劃,我們會適時擴展和增加更多的充電用量計劃。


1. 服務計劃需簽署合約,為期一年。一經簽署即同意本公司的服務條款,包括合約收費、服務範圍及更改。

2. 月費計劃享有每月300度充電額可於指定Cornerstone GO充電熱點使用,實際充電表現將取決於多項因素,電量計算及餘額以手機應用程式顯示為準。

3. 該月月費充電額使用完畢後,可於手機應用程式增值,價格以實時程式顯示為準。未使用的充電額不可累積至下一個月。

4. 計劃適用於指定領展場地之「中速充電」和「快速充電服務(只限於CCS2規格)」,本公司有權作出任何更改及不作另行通知。

5. 任何原因引致用戶於到達指定停車場後,未能充電或沒有可提供之充電車位,本公司概不負責並不設退回有關停車場及其他之費用。

6. 服務計劃一經確認,提早終止合約需繳付餘下合約期之全數款項。

7. 服務計劃將於完約前30天自動續約,用戶需於合約完結期前不少於30天通知本公司要求取消自動續約。

8. 如有任何爭議,Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited 將保留最終決議權。

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When can I make a reservation?

If the charging space is available for reservation, the user can reserve the charging space for free in the Cornerstone EV Charging mobile app 15 minutes in advance.

Q2: Why did the reservation fail?

Please check if there is more than one reservation. Please complete or cancel it before proceeding again. You may also check the balance of your eWallet or coupon if it is HKD 0 or greater. If necessary, please top up and make a reservation again.

Q3: What should I do if I fail to arrive within the free reservation time limit?

If you are known to be unable to arrive within the free reservation time limit, please cancel the reservation first to avoid being charged after the free reservation time limit. The "free cancellation time limit" shown in the Cornerstone EV Charging mobile app shall prevail.

Meanwhile, Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited will not be liable if the member fails to use the reserved designated electric vehicle parking space or the designated charger to charge due to other factors (including but not limited to: traffic conditions, parking lot queueing, etc.). Reservation charges will not be refunded.

Q4: After cancelling the reservation, will the charging slot be used by other people immediately?

After cancelling a reservation, the charging slot will be reopened for other people to reserve immediately.

Q5: There are multiple Cornerstone GO charging hotspots near me, but I still haven't decided which shopping mall to go to before departure. Can I reserve multiple charging spots at the same time?

According to the Fair Use Policy and to ensure that the charging space can be fully utilized, one unit of remote reservation is one electric vehicle charging space. If there is an unfinished reservation in the member’s account, it will not offer another reservation service.

Q6: I have a tight schedule and used the reservation service once in the afternoon. Can I use it again at night?

Yes, each user is limited to two reservations per day.

Q7: I have arrived at the reserved charging location, but it cannot be unlocked. What should I do?

If the charging service cannot be provided due to technical issues, please choose another charger. Reservation charges will be refunded (if any), and you can click "Instant Chat" in the app or call the 24-hour customer support hotline +852 6115 2143 for follow-up.

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