Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point

The Project: Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point

Client: Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Year: 2019

The Challenge

As there is an increasing population who resides at the territory or the need to cross over the border to work, a scheme of Park-and-Ride (PnR) has been developed by the Government to help reduce pollution by encouraging the public to park their cars at the border and take public transportation to cross the border. To meet the need of this population, sufficient and reliable EV chargers need to be installed.

The Solution

Cornerstone Technologies has been entrusted with the task to install a total of 126 chargers within 4 weeks. Each staff who was working on the project on site had to go through certain training to ensure safety. Once again, thinking outside the box to solve any challenging issues has been part of our thing. Not only that we managed to solve the many challenges during the installations with victorious outcome, we have also handed over the whole project on time. Having our client’s interest on top of our mind, making things happen as planned is always our priority.

IMG 4130 R1500
The Highlights

EV chargers ready at the border
A great support of Park-and-Ride (PnR) to help reduce pollution
126 chargers at one location, one mega charging station in Hong Kong territory


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